
Modern agriculture needs new highly effi cient feed and feed additives. Sapropel is a type of finegrained and loose sediments rich in organic matter. The properties of sapropel and the sufficiently wide possibilities of its extraction make it an important natural resource that can be used mainly in agriculture. Sapropel and its processed products are environmentally safe, non-toxic, with a certain content of nutrients. Another important reason for studying sapropel is its widespread distribution and availability in freshwater reservoirs, which leads to the discovery of new ways of extraction and bioeconomically efficient use of this most valuable natural resource, available in economically significant amount with high opportunities for its use in animal husbandry. The purpose of the work was to analyze the use of sapropel as a source of nutrients in cattle feeding. In order to study the influence of sapropel on dairy productivity of cows, a scientifi c and economic experiment was carried out under the conditions of an educational and experimental farm of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University”. It was found as a result of the experiment that when using sapropel at the doses of 250 and 500 g/head/day, there was an increase in dairy productivity of cows. Thus, milk yield during the experiment period in the 1st experimental group increased by 1,48 % compared to the control group, and in the 2nd experimental group by 7,2 %, milk quality indicators also improved. Sapropel did not have a negative influence on the health of animals, which was confirmed by hematological indicators. Therefore, the use of sapropel in cattle feeding is effective.

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