
aimedtoevaluatetherela-tionship between neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and saphe-nous vein graft disease (SVGD) regarding the inflammatoryprocessinatherosclerosis.Wewouldliketocommentontheirmethodology.A multipronged strategy aimed at prevention of SVGDis emerging, elements of which include continued improve-ments in surgical technique; more effective antiplatelet drugs;increasingly intensive risk factor modification, in particularearlyandaggressivelipid-loweringdrugtherapy;andanumberof evolving therapies. Besides this, most of the authors thinkthat reducing the atherosclerotic process in which white bloodcells and its subtypes are involved would reduce the adverseoutcomes after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery.Endothelial dysfunction, triggered by irritative stimuli suchas hyperlipidemia, high shear, and proinflammatory cytokines,is considered to be the initial stage of atherosclerosis and it ispossible that inflammation triggered by neutrophils and facili-tated by sustained overproduction of C-reactive protein (CRP)may accelerate atherosclerosis in some patients with low-gradeinflammatory disorders.

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