
New visual and documentary evidence clarifies the modern history of S. Croce in Gerusalemme, one of Rome's oldest and most important churches. A previously unknown presentation drawing of the façade erected in 1741-1744 demonstrates that an evolution of stylistic concerns took place between its planning and execution and suggests that the originally intended scope of the renovation was never fully realized. Financial records from the Monte di Pietà di Roma and the Dataria Apostolica reveal that the patron, Benedict XIV, and his Cardinal Prodatarius, Pompeo Aldovrandi, drew heavily on the treasury of the Dataria for two years before its officials were aware that they were funding the renovation project. This ultimately unsuccessful practice contributed to the unfinished aspect of the façade and its flanking structures. The Monte di Pietà documents also reveal that the sole architect was Domenico Gregorini, firmly establishing that Pietro Passalacqua, who is often named as author of the façade of S. Croce or as collaborator in the design, played no major role in the commission.

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