
The starting point of our article is the observation that the target group of Afro-Latin-Caribbean men, who have sex with men, is not reached by sexual health promotion programs for MSM, nor by those aimed at Afro-Latino-Caribbean audiences. Indeed, it seems to be in a blind spot of prevention programs designed by key audiences. The objective of our article is to understand the vulnerabilities of this group, the impacts of its invisibility and the intersectoral discrimination (homophobia, racism, …) of which itis victim on the management of his sexual health, in order to highlight ways to improve prevention programs towards this group. Our study highlighted some vulnerabilities inherent in being Afro-Latino-Caribbean MSM and the impact of the intersectional discrimination on the management of their sexual health. We have also demonstrated the invisibility suffered by these audiences and their request to be recognized in their specificities, particularly through the creation of secure places that would be entirely dedicated to them. This project allowed us to highlight the importance, for minority audiences, of being visibilized and to have their specificities recognized in sexual health promotion programs. This is even more important when they are victims of multiple discrimination. It also showed the importance of implementing actions that promote the empowerment of vulnerable audiences.

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