
Poor sanitation has various impacts on human health, such as the risk of contracting diseases like diarrhoea, typhoid, polio, and worm infections. The government has set targets in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020 - 2024, with the goal of achieving 90% access to proper sanitation, including 15% of households having access to safe sanitation, and reducing the rate of open defecation to 0% by the end of 2024. The objective of this mapping is to recommend wastewater sanitation technologies in Tegal Alur Subdistrict. Data collection will be carried out through interviews and questionnaires, determining the number of respondents using the Slovin formula. Interviews and questionnaires will be conducted in 4 densely populated neighbourhoods (RW) with a high rate of open defecation, namely RW 01, RW 02, RW 03, and RW 13. Based on the results of interviews and questionnaires, 71% of the population in Tegal Alur Subdistrict have toilets, but only 24% have septic tanks, leading to environmental pollution due to wastewater discharge. The type of septic tank used is individual septic tanks, and 88% of the population in Tegal Alur has never desludged their septic tanks. The condition of wastewater sanitation in Tegal Alur Subdistrict can be described as poor, characterized by a lack of septic tanks to manage wastewater, resulting in wastewater pollution of the environment, which can lead to various diseases.

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