
This paper reports reacting fluid dynamics calculations for an ammonium percholrate binder sandwichand extracts experimentally observed features including surface profiles and maximum regression rates as a function of pressure and binder thickness. These studies have been carried out by solving the twodimensional unsteady Navier-Stokes equations with energy and species conservation equations and a kinetic model of three reaction steps (ammonium perchlorate decomposition flame, primary diffusion flame, and final diffusion flame) in the gas phase. The unsteady two-dimensional conduction equation is solved in the condensed phase. The regressing surface is unsteady and two dimensional. Computations have been carried out for a binder thickness range of 25–125 μm and a pressure range of 1.4 to 6.9 MPa. Good comparisons at several levels of detail are used to demonstrate the need for condensed-phase two-dimensional unsteady conduction and three-step gas-phase reactions. The choice of kinetic and thermodynamic parameters is crucial to good comparison with experiments. The choice of activation energy parameters for ammonium percholrate combustion has been made with stability of combustion in addition to experimentally determined values reported in literature. The choice of gas-phase parameters for the diffusion flames are made considering that (a) primary diffusion flame affects the low-pressure behavior and (b) final diffusion flame affects high-pressure behavior. The predictions include the low-pressure deflagration limit of the sandwich apart from others noted above. Finally, this study demonstrates the possibility of making meaningful comparisons with experimental observations on sandwich propellant combustion.

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