
Sandstone-hosted lead-zinc impregnation deposits in Scandinavia occur in Vendian to Cambrian and, locally, Ordovician sandstones that rest unconformably on the deeply eroded Baltic Shield. The sandstones are overthrust by the Caledonian nappes or form part of the lowermost Caledonian thrust units. Sandstone-hosted lead-zinc deposits, that occur along the present erosional front of the Caledonides, contain galena and sphalerite cementing fractures and pore space. The deposits formed by fluid-mixing processes in the sandstones. Early ore genetic models considered the ore-hosting sandstones, because of the positive correlation between ore grade and palaeo-permeability, as main aquifer for the metalliferous fluids that were interpreted to be either ground-waters or hot basinal brines driven out from geosynclinal sediments during the Caledonian orogeny.

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