
Wide channels with short bank vegetation, access to nearby foraging habitat, shallow water areas ( 5000 cranes), but the ratio was statistically similar across a wide range of maximum unobstructed channel widths. Medium-sized Sandhill Crane groups (501–5000 cranes) were less influenced by in-channel vegetated islands, and these groups selected channels based on wide total unvegetated channel widths. Our results also suggest that flows ≤39.05 m3/s (cms; 1379 cfs) in channels that are 275 m in unvegetated width maximize selection ratios for medium and large crane groups, so flows above this level may not improve Sandhill Crane roosting habitat conditions during the spring migration and staging season within the central Platte River. While Sandhill Cranes stage within the central Platte River valley for a longer time interval in the spring, Whooping Cranes (Grus americana) also use the Platte River as a stopover point. Both species share similar indices for roosting habitat, such as unobstructed channel width and shallow water depths. The results of our investigation could be used to identify a range of flows and channel width configurations expected to generate the highest amount of suitable habitat for Sandhill Cranes roosting along the central Platte River.

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