
Digit ratio is a morphological feature regarded as a biomarker of the balance of sex hormones during early development. The exposure of embryos to a set of sex hormones and the mutual relations between those hormones cause the emergence of individual morphological and/or behavioural characteristics as well as differences between sexes. We have thus hypothesised that differences in one of these morphological traits-digit ratio-may be a proxy representing a tendency towards tail autotomy. The aim of this study is to investigate the digit ratio (2D:3D, 2D:4D, 3D:4D) of the sand lizard, Lacerta agilis, Lacertidae, a species characterised by well-developed sexual dimorphism, whereby females are larger than males. We also tested associations between patterns in digit ratio and caudal autotomy, a common defensive mechanism among lizards. To our knowledge, the relationship between a tendency towards autotomy and digit ratio pattern has never been researched. To date, studies on autotomy have mainly focused on the consequences, costs or evolutionary background of tail loss. Hence, researchers examined mostly the frequency of autotomy in the context of predatory pressure or habitat conditions, omitting an individual's behavioural tendency to shed its tail. However, behavioural traits can affect an individual's exposure to predator attack and consequently the need to use an anti-predator strategy. Thus, following this logic, dropping the tail may be the result of the lizard's intraspecific personality characteristics, resulting from the effect of hormones on behaviour or innate traits. Therefore, we suggest that the inclusion of autotomy as a factor explaining observed digit ratio patterns and their variability between taxa has great potential. We used computerised measurements of photographed limbs to determine the length of digits. We found that the digit ratios for all four limbs were significantly lower in females than in males, excluding the 3D:4D ratio for the right hindlimbs. Therefore, the results confirmed the pattern already observed for most lizards. The novel element in our study is the detection of the relationship between a tendency towards caudal autotomy and digit ratio. Individuals with a tendency towards autotomy have a higher 2D:4D ratio in the right forelimbs and a lower 2D:3D ratio in the right hindlimbs. Obtained results suggest that these morphological characteristics are most likely related to intraspecific differences (between bold and shy individuals) which consequently may determine an individual's reaction or susceptibility to be a prey and escape behaviour. Thus, our results are probably the first attempt to link digit ratio to the susceptibility of lizards to tail autotomy.

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