
Specific Yoga positions (āsana, such as Virāsana, Virabhadrāsana, Garudāsana, Utkatāsana, Trikonāsana, Anuvittāsana, Chakrāsana, Uttanāsana, Pashimottanāsana) have been selected, elaborated on and adapted to be practiced in a dental office using a dental stool or the dental office walls or a dental unit chair. The protocol is specifically devised for dental professionals (dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants) and targeted for the low back, hips and legs (including knees and ankles). The protocol includes Visranta Karaka Sthiti (supported positions) in sitting (Upavistha Sthiti) and standing (Utthistha Sthiti) positions, twisting/torsions (Parivrtta), flexions/forward bend positions (Pashima) and extensions/arching (Purva) for musculo-articular system decompression and mobilization. Over 60 Yogāsana-specifically ideated for back detensioning and mobilization, lumbar lordosis restoration, trunk side elongation, hip release and leg stretches and decontraction-are shown and described. The paper provides a meticulous description for each position, including the detailed movement, recommendations and mistakes to avoid, and the breathing pattern (breath control) in all the breath-driven movements (āsana in vinyāsa). An exhaustive analysis of posture-related disorders affecting the lower body among dental professionals is reported, including low-back pain, hip pain and disorders, piriformis syndrome and quadratus femoris dysfunction (gluteal pain), iliopsoas syndrome, multifidus disorders, femoroacetabular and ischiofemoral impingement, spinopelvic mobility, lumbopelvic rhythm, impairment syndromes, lower crossed syndrome, leg pain, knee pain and ankle disorders. A detailed guideline of āsana for low-back decompression, hip joint destress, piriformis and gluteal muscle release, lumbar lordosis recovery and a spinopelvic mobility increase has been elaborated on. The designed Yogāsana protocol represents a powerful tool for dental professionals to provide relief to retracted stiff muscles and unbalanced musculoskeletal structures in the lower body.

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