
This paper presents SAMSON, a Spectral Absorption-fluorescenceMicroscopy System for ON-site-imaging of algae within a watersample. Designed to be portable and low-cost for on-site use,the optical sub-system of SAMSON consists of a mixture of low-cost optics and electronics, designed specifically to capture bothfluorescent and absorption responses from a water sample. Thegraphical user interface (GUI) sub-system of SAMSON was de-signed to enable flexible visualisation of algae in the water samplein real-time, with the ability to perform fine-grained exposure con-trol and illumination wavelength selection. We demonstrate SAM-SON’s capabilities by equipping the system with two fluorescentillumination sources and seven absorption illumination sources toenable the capture of multispectral data from six different algaespecies (three from the Cyanophyta phylum (blue-green algae) andthree from the Chlorophyta phylum (green algae)). The key benefitof SAMSON is the ability to perform rapid acquisition of fluores-cence and absorption data at different wavelengths and magnifica-tion levels, thus opening the door for machine learning methods toautomatically identify and enumerate different algae in water sam-ples using this rich wealth of data.

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