
Samsarjana Krama is a unique concept of Ayurveda regarding post-Samshodhana dietary codes and conducts. The gradual re-administration of diet for effective re-kindling of Agni after Pradhana Karma of Panchakarma is known as Samsarjana Krama. The patient after Vamana and Virechana has mild digestive fire and body is lightened. It is important to quickly and entirely restore energy reserves and physiological parameters to be able to resist an ensuing food stress. Hence, Peya, Vilepi etc. should be consumed in diet to increase digestive fire and vital strength. This way body will get energized which prevents the feeling of fullness after eating a heavy meal. From modern perspective, it is a form of “therapeutic fasting”, during which dormant stem cells are activated and new structures are reformed. Thus, Samsarjana krama is a phase of regeneration (also called rejuvenation) with tremendous therapeutic potential. After Virechana the patient should consume Peya, Vilepi, Akrit Yusha and Maamsa Rasa (unprocessed), Krit Yusha and Maamsa Rasa (processed) in three, two or one meal according to the type of Shuddhi i.e. superior, medium and inferior degree respectively. The Jatharagni of a person undergone Shodhana remains slow and weak. It becomes great and powerful by gradually using Peya, Vilepi etc. and thus able to digest all kinds of food. However, Tarpanadi Krama should be given if Kapha and Pitta are eliminated in less quantity during Samshodhana, in alcoholic patients and in Vata-Pitta Prakriti patients. Peyadi Samsarjana Krama cause Abhishyanda (obstruction of channels) in such patients.

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