
The effectiveness of traps baited with (5R,6S)-6-acetoxy-5-hexadecanolide (the synthetic oviposition pheromone) and grass infusions in sampling a population of gravid Culex quinquefasciatus Say was conducted in Muheza, Northeast Tanzania. A counterflow geometry (CFG) trap baited with pheromone and set outdoors, adjacent to a pit latrine building, collected more gravid Cx. quinquefasciatus than a CDC trap baited with pheromone and operated without light. Inside pit latrine buildings, significantly more gravid Cx. quinquefasciatus were collected in a CFG trap-baited with pheromone or grass infusion than in traps baited with tap water. CFG traps baited with either grass infusion or pheromone and set outdoors, away from known breeding sites, caught significantly more gravid Cx. quinquefasciatus than traps baited with tap water. CFG traps baited with pheromone + grass infusion caught significantly more gravid Cx. quinquefasciatus than CFG traps baited with either grass infusion or pheromone. In both cases, the proportion of gravid mosquitoes increased as traps were moved away from a natural emergence site. More gravid Cx. quinquefasciatus were collected in a pheromone-baited CFG trap than were egg rafts deposited in a jar with pheromone-treated water. It is concluded that CFG traps baited with oviposition attractants can be used effectively to sample gravid Cx. quinquefasciatus.

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