
Abstract– Four quantitative (area‐standardized electrofishing, trap nets, small‐mesh [1.3 and 2‐cm bar mesh] gill nets, large‐mesh [2.5 and 5‐cm bar mesh] gill nets) and two qualitative (non‐standardized electrofishing, dip netting) sampling techniques were concurrently used to capture larval to adult fish in forested wetland habitats on seasonally inundated floodplains of two Alabama (USA) streams. Standardized area electrofishing appeared to be the best sampling technique for collecting and quantifying species because of high catch rate, broad species and size coverage, and rapid sampling. Electrofishing accounted for most fish (47 and 57% of pooled catch), almost all taxa, and a broad range of fish sizes. Large‐mesh gill nets captured few fish (2% and 8%), a distinct subset of the species present, and the largest fish. Light traps were the most efficient and taxa‐comprehensive sampling technique for larval fish. Light traps captured the vast majority of the pooled larval fish catch, including 6 of 7 families recorded at the sites. Larval fish dip netting captured larval fish of most families known to be present but in low numbers. For surveys of species composition and rapid bioassessments, nonstandardized electrofishing and larval fish dip netting appear adequate. For intensive research studies, the combination of area electrofishing, large‐mesh (and in some cases small‐mesh) gill nets, and light traps provide thorough and comprehensive data on wetland fish assemblages.

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