
Abstract Because populations of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus have been difficult to sample in small impoundments, we determined whether tandem hoop net series (three nets tied in series and baited with cheese) fished for 3 d could effectively sample these populations. In 2000 we compared seasonal catch rates (catch per unit effort (CPUE), defined as the number of fish caught per series) and length frequencies (total length (TL); mm) of channel catfish captured with two types of tandem series (long versus short bridles) and monitored the mortality of channel catfish along with the CPUE and mortality of bycatch in five lakes. Mean CPUE ranged from 12 to 194 fish/series for channel catfish and from 5 to 101 fish/series for bycatch among series types, lakes, and sampling periods. Mean CPUE for channel catfish and bycatch was similar between series types and did not consistently vary with sampling period. Length frequencies of channel catfish were usually similar between series types. Mortality was low ...

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