
Within the framework of pac-learning, we explore the learnability of concepts from samples using the paradigm of sample compression schemes. A sample compression scheme of size k for a concept class C \(\subseteq \) 2X consists of a compression function and a reconstruction function. The compression function receives a finite sample set consistent with some concept in C and chooses a subset of k examples as the compression set. The reconstruction function forms a hypothesis on X from a compression set of k examples. For any sample set of a concept in C the compression set produced by the compression function must lead to a hypothesis consistent with the whole original sample set when it is fed to the reconstruction function. We demonstrate that the existence of a sample compression scheme of fixed-size for a class C is sufficient to ensure that the class C is pac-learnable.Previous work has shown that a class is pac-learnable if and only if the Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension of the class is finite. In the second half of this paper we explore the relationship between sample compression schemes and the VC dimension. We define maximum and maximal classes of VC dimension d. For every maximum class of VC dimension d, there is a sample compression scheme of size d, and for sufficiently-large maximum classes there is no sample compression scheme of size less than d. We discuss briefly classes of VC dimension d that are maximal but not maximum. It is an open question whether every class of VC dimension d has a sample compression scheme of size O(d).

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