
This study explored the inclusion of students with disabilities in higher education, focusing on policies, practices, and challenges within a specific faculty. The research question analyzed barriers and strategies for inclusion. A mixed methods approach was adopted, combining quantitative and qualitative analysis of data collected through surveys, interviews, focus groups, and document review, with the participation of students with disabilities, faculty, and administrative staff. The findings demonstrated notable progress in inclusion, reflected in concrete policies and practices, such as scholarship programs, reasonable accommodations and assistive technologies. However, challenges persist in the training and sensitization of faculty and administrative staff, as well as in the removal of physical and architectural barriers. Analysis of the results showed a general trend towards greater inclusion in higher education, but inequalities still exist in access, participation and academic success for these students. A holistic and collaborative approach is needed to foster an inclusive culture that values and respects diversity and individual differences. This study provides valuable data for the continuous improvement of policies and practices in the field of inclusion of students with disabilities in higher education, underscoring the importance of treating inclusion as a dynamic and ever-changing process that demands the commitment and collaboration of the entire educational community. Areas for improvement and ongoing challenges were identified, emphasizing the need to continue working on specific strategies and policies to ensure equal opportunities and foster an inclusive culture that benefits all students, regardless of their individual characteristics and needs.

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