
Using antisera specific for the β subunits of two distinct coho salmon gonadotropins, GTH I and GTH II, an immunocytochemical study of rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon pituitaries was done. Cells which immunostained with anti-GTH I β were distributed in the periphery of the glandular cords of the proximal pars distalis (PPD), in close association with somatotrophs. On the other hand, cells immunostained with anti-GTH II β were located in the central parts of the glandular cords of the PPD. Neither the GTH I-producing nor the GTH II-producing cells stained with antisera against chum salmon growth hormone or the β subunit of human thyroid-stimulating hormone. Moreover, GTH I and GTH II were localized in distinctly different cells. In no case was colocalization of these GTHs in the same cell observed. Finally, it was concluded that classification of GTH cells as globular and vesicular forms does not reflect the type of hormone produced by the cell, but may reflect differences in the physiological conditions of the cells.

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