
Amac: Bu calisma saglik egitimi alan kiz ogrencilerin sahip olduklari osteoporoz risk faktorlerini, risklerini ve farkindaliklarini degerlendirmek amaciyla tanimlayici ve kesitsel olarak planlandi. Materyal Metot: Calisma verileri 192 kiz ogrenciden toplandi. Verilerin toplanmasinda sosyo-demografik ozelliklerin ve aliskanliklarin sorgulandigi bilgi formu, Uluslararasi Osteoporoz Vakfi tarafindan gelistirilmis olan “Bir dakikalik risk testi” ve arastirmacilar tarafindan gelistirilmis “Osteoporoz Risk Farkindaliklari” olcegi kullanildi. Verilerin analizinde frekans, yuzde, aritmetik ortalama, standart sapma ve korelasyon testi kullanildi. Bulgular: Calismaya katilan ogrencilerin % 98.4’ u bekar, %6'si sigara kullanmakta, %54.7'si hic egzersiz yapmamakta, %42.2’si ise sut tuketmemektedir. Ogrencilerin %13'u duzenli olarak ilac kullanmakta,%40.6'si sirt ve bel agrisi cekmekte, %50.5'i kapali giyim tarzini secmekte ve %57.3'u guneslenmemektedir. Ogrencilerin ailelerinin %12.5'inde osteoporoz, %20.3'unde ise kirik hikayesi bulunmaktadir. Ailesinde osteoporoz hikayesi bulunanlarin risk puanlari bulunmayanlara gore daha yuksek bulundu.. (p<0.001). Beden Kutle Indeksi (BKI) ile osteoporoz risk puani arasinda ters yonde anlamli iliski bulunmaktadir (p<0.05). Ogrencilerin %97.4’ unun osteoporoz risklerinin dusuk, osteoporoz risk farkindalik puanina gore ise farkindaliklarinin orta duzeyde (12.84±3.16) oldugu belirlendi. Osteoporoz risk puani ile farkindalik puani arasinda anlamli iliski bulunmadi (p<0.05). Sonuc: Bu calisma, genclik doneminde dusuk risk grubunda yer alan ogrencilerde erken donemde risk faktorleri taramasi yapilmasi, risklerinin olculmesi, farkindaliklarinin arttirilmasi ve korunmaya yonelik yasam sekli duzenlemeleri konusunda egitim ile davranis degisikligi yapilmasi gerektigini vurgulamaktadir Anahtar kelimeler: Osteoporoz, risk, farkindalik, ogrenci, kadin. Evaluation of Osteoporosis Risk Factors and Awareness in Female Students Who Receive Health Education ABSTRACT Aim: This study was planned as descriptive and cross sectional and aimed to evaluate the osteoporosis risk factors, risks and awareness in female students who were receiving health education. Material and Method: The study data was collected from 192 female students. In data collection, the information form in which socio-demographic factors and habits were questioned, the ‘’One minute risk test’’ which was developed by the International Osteoporosis Foundation and the ‘’Osteoporosis Risk Awareness’’ scale, which was developed by the researchers, were used. In the analysis of data, frequencies, percentages, arithmetic means, standard deviations, and correlation tests were used. Results: Among the students who participated in the study, 98.4% were single, 6% were smokers, 54.7% did not exercise at all, and 42.2% did not consume milk. It was found that 13% of the students were on regular medication, 40.6% suffered from back pain and waist pain, 50.5% chose to dress in a turban, and 57.3% did not sunbathe. Among the students’ families, 12.5% had a history of osteoporosis and 20.3% had a history of fracture. The risk scores of the students whose families had a history of osteoporosis were found to be higher compared to the students whose families do not have such a history (p<0.001). There was a significant and inverse relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and osteoporosis risk score (p<0.005). It was determined that the osteoporosis risks of %97.4 of the students were low and that their risk awareness was at a medium level according to their osteoporosis risk awareness scores (12.84±3.16). A significant relation between osteoporosis risk score and awareness score could not be found (p<0.05). Conclusion: This study emphasized that screening for osteoporosis risk factors, measuring risks, raising awareness and making behavioral changes via preventive lifestyle arrangements is necessary in students who are in the low risk group during youth. Key words: Osteoporosis, risk, awareness, student, woman. Atif: Bayindir Cevik A, Pekmezci H, Kocan S. Saglik Egitimi Alan Kiz Ogrencilerin Osteoporoz Risk Faktorleri ve Farkindaliklarinin Degerlendirilmesi. Saglik Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi 2 016;3(1):31-38. To cite this article : Bayindir Cevik A, Pekmezci H, Kocan S. Evaluation of Osteoporosis Risk Factors and Awareness in Female Students Who Receive Health Education. Health Science and Professions 2016;3(1):31-38.

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