
AbstractThe principal parenchymal elements of the submandibular glands of the heteromyid rodents Dipodomys merriami, Perognathus longimembris, Perognathus fallax, Perognathus penicillatus and Perognathus baileyi consist of acini, granular tubules and striated ducts.Acinar cells of the four species of Perognathus are aniline blue, PAS (magenta) and Alcian blue (pH 2.5) positive and metachromatic with toluidine blue and safranin. The granules of the tubule cells are orthochromatic and react with aniline blue, orange G, the PAS reagent (deep pink) and the tryptophan indicator, xanthydrol. Acinar and tubule cells of D. merriami exhibit similar reactions except for the Alcian blue stain. Acinar cells of D. merriami do not react with Alcian blue.Submandibular glands of D. merriami exhibit a sexual dimorphism of the granular tubules. There is little observable difference between the sexes in the species of Perognathus but the ratio of granular tubules to acinar elements, the degree of hypertrophy of the tubules, and the amount of mucosubstance and protein (granules) contained in their cells are different in the four species studied.Since these desert rodents have similar habitats and habits, the differences observed between the two heteromyid subfamilies studied, as well as among the four members of a single subfamily, suggest that these are inherent species variations rather than variations of adaptation to environment.

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