
OZET Arastirma, saglik yuksekokulu ogrencilerinin problem cozme beceri duzeylerinin incelenmesi amaciyla tanimlayici olarak yapilmistir. Arastirmaya Celal Bayar Universitesi Manisa Saglik Yuksekokulu’nda okuyan, calismaya katilmayi kabul eden ve ulasilabilen 335 ogrenci alinmistir (katilim orani %82).Veriler, kisisel bilgi formu ve “Problem Cozme Olcegi” kullanilarak 15-31 Mart 2007 tarihleri arasinda toplanmistir. Arastirmanin yurutulmesi icin kurumdan ve ogrencilerden onam alinmistir. Verilerin degerlendirilmesinde tanimlayici istatistikler, tek yolu varyans, Kruskall Wallis, Mann Whitney U ve Student t-testi kullanilmistir. Arastirmadan elde edilen bulgulara gore: ogrencilerin problem cozme becerilerinden aldiklari toplam puan ortalamasi 94.35±16.98’dir. Okunan bolum, yas, cins, anne-baba egitim duzeyi ve problem cozme ile ilgili egitim alma durumu ile problem cozme becerisi acisindan gruplar arasinda anlamli bir farkin olmadigi belirlenmistir. Problem cozme becerisi ile ogrencilerin siniflari arasinda anlamli bir fark saptanmistir (p<0.05). 2. sinif ogrencilerinin problem cozme becerileri diger siniflardan yuksek bulunmustur (p<0.05). Arastirma sonucunda; ogrencilerin problem cozme becerilerinin orta duzeyde oldugu bulunmustur. Egitim mufredatinda problem cozme bilgi ve becerilerinin ogretilmesine daha fazla yer verilmesi onerilmistir. Anahtar kelimeler: Problem cozme becerisi, hemsirelik, ebelik ve saglik memurlugu ogrencileri, etkileyen faktorler ABSTRACT Examining the Problem Solving Skills and Some Related Factors of the Health College Students This descriptive research was carried out to determine problem solving skills of school of health students. The sample of this research included 335 students who currently attending the Manisa Health College at Celal Bayar University and who accepted to participate to study (participation rate 82%).Data were collected by using a questionnaire and “Problem Solving Inventory” between March 15-March 31, 2007.Before the study, permission was taken from the school and students. Descriptive statistical, Kruskal Wallis, ANOVA, Mann Whitney U and Student t test were used in evaluating the data. According to data; mean point of problem solving of students was 94.35±16.98.Although there were no statistically significant differences between the age groups, departments of the students, sex, level of parents education, education of problem solving in terms of problem solving skills. The difference between the classes of the students and problem solving abilities scores was found significant (p<0.05).It was determined that problem solving abilities scores of the second class students were higher than other class. The study indicated that, the level problem solving abilities of students were medium. It was suggested that the students should receive training regarding problem solving skills in curriculum. Keywords: Problem solving ability, nursing, midwifery and health officers student, related factors

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