
Influence of mediators of the signal systems of salicylic (SA) and jasmonic (JA) acids and their mixture on reactive oxygen species' (ROS) (superoxide radical O2*- and H2O2) generation and activity of oxidoreductases (oxalate oxidase, peroxidase and catalase) in leaves of wheat Triticum aestivum L. infected by Septoria leaf blotch pathogen Septoria nodorum Berk. has been studied. Presowing treatment of seeds by SA and JA decreased the development rate of fungus on wheat leaves. SA provided earlier inductive effect on production of O2*- and H2O2 compared with JA. The protective effect of the salicylic and jasmonic acids against Septoria leaf blotch pathogen was caused by activation of oxalate oxidase, induction of anion and cation peroxidases, and decrease of catalase activity. Ability of compounds to stimulate ROS in the plant tissues can be used as criteria for evaluation of immune-modulating activity of new substances for protection of the plants.

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