
In ethnic social life each race has its differences due to the environment in which they live. Some common customs are found in all communities. Transition in cultural life is natural. It is human nature to set each of the transitions in relation to a ritual. Salem Chemmanur Chettiars perform biological rituals during each transition. Human life is characterized by various transitions from birth to death. Rituals and beliefs are found in every community. Putting the sugar water on the baby at birth is seen as a ritual. These rituals are performed according to the developmental stage of the child as he or she grows to a certain size, such as a hemisphere rope around the waist. Such rituals are common among the girl child and some other rituals are performed as she grows up. Women perform the flowering ritual during flowering. Booppu ritual is seen as a defilement ritual. Poop is the first menstrual period. The flower is a sign that the woman has become fertile. This event is considered as an important transformation of life. Like this, wedding ceremonies are considered to be the primary transition ceremony. Death rites are the final event of human life. Various such rituals are observed in the lives of the Chettiars of Salem Semmanur.


  • In ethnic social life each race has its differences due to the environment in which they live

  • Some common customs are found in all communities

  • human nature to set each of the transitions in relation

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In ethnic social life each race has its differences due to the environment in which they live. அடிப்ெறடயாகக் பகாண்டும் ேடங்கு முறைகறள அடிப்ெறடயாகக் பகாண்டும் உணவு, உறட, இருப்ெிடம், பதாழில் சொன்ை ெைவற்ைிலும் சவறுொடுகள் காணப்ெடைாம். ெிைப்ெிைிருந்து இைப்பு வறையிைான ேடங்குகள் ஒவ்பவாரு இனக்குழுவிலும் அல்ைது ோதியிலும் நிகழ்த்தப்ெடுகின்ைன. இக்கட்டுறையானது சேைம் மாவட்டம் சமட்டூர் வட்டத்றதச் ோர்ந்த பேம்மனூர் என்னும் கிைாமத்தில் வாழும் நகை பேட்டியார் இனத்தாரின் வாழ்வியல் ேடங்குகறளக் குைித்து ஆைாய்கிைது. நகைஇனத்தார் எனப்ெடும் றவேியச் பேட்டியார்களின் வாழ்வில் இது சொன்ை வாழ்வியல் ேடங்குகள் நிகழ்த்தப்ெடுகின்ைன என்ெறதக் கள ஆய்வில் அைிந்து பகாள்ள முடிந்தது.

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