
Tourism has three sides: the good, the bad and the ugly. The good side is it generates employment and brings in investment. Tourism earns the state an average Rs 4,000 crore annually. 23 lakh tourists visit Goa; this income contributes to 15 per cent of India’s foreign exchange. The bad side is everything has become commercial in a state like Goa, where employment opportunities are few and everyone wants to ride the bus of tourism. They want to set up hotels, rent their homes, bikes and cars or start some business to facilitate tourism. In this process, the beautiful scenic Goa has become a commercial hub. The ugly side is tourism not only brings tourists but also their culture, culture which views children as sex objects or views sex with a child as normal behaviour. This has made Goa the sex capital of India. Many Indian and foreign tourists come in search of child sex in Goa. Goa is also openly advertised as a state with free and liberal values. This has made our children vulnerable. There are various ways in which the sex offenders get access to children. Some approach the children directly on the beach, while others offer them a drink or a meal before taking them back their hotel rooms. Many contact children through their social media platforms. After making friends and chatting with them for a considerable period of time, they fix a meeting with them only to exploit them. Many people function as agents who are involved in supplying children to these men who come in search of them. This article discusses the evil effects of tourism on children such as sale of children, child sexual abuse, child pornography, child prostitution and paedophilia. Abuse and exploitation of children in tourism can have severe impact on children; it can also affect the tourist destination. The article will discuss ethical methods, which can be adopted to encourage tourism and keep the children of Goa safe.

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