
Bronchial obstruction is a frequent clinical challenge during winter season. It is characterized by cough of variable intensity. modérate fe ver, fast breathing, wheezes, respiratory difficulty and failure to feed. Treatrneru is based on correcting hipoxemia, relieving bronchial obstruction and releasing the child home with instructions for using salbutarnol inhaler (~-2 agonist), a key medication in the treatment of reversible bronchial obstruction. There have been found severa! mistakes on its use and following prescription, but there has not been an evaluation done about the non specialized medica! personnel rol! on these indications (dosage, length of treatrnent). Since salbutamol is nota harmless medication, and the restricted availability in primary attention, we decided to analyze prescriptions of its use by nonspecialist clinicians in a primary attention clinic. Methods. We developed a descriptive, retrospective research based on prescriptions of salbutamol inhaler along morbidity visits in Esmeralda Clinic in the Metropolitan Region during May - June 200 l. We analyzed different variables such as age. sex, clinical history. physical examination, diagnosis, and salbutamol inhaler dosages in 90 patients. kept in an Excel® database. Results. The group that received the largest indications of inhalers were children under 2 years old (51.2%) followed by the group of children between 2 and 4 Yi years old ( 18.4% ). The concordance among clinical history, physical examination and diagnosis was greater in the group younger than 2 years old. Dosage analysis showed a great variety of indications on daily dosages and number of days of treatment being 2 puffs qid for 5 days the most frequently prescribed. Conclusions. There is no uniformness among salbutamol prescription in acute obstructive episodes, nor diagnostic or treatment concordance managed by general medica! personnel, thereby suggesting that this medication is not being well prescribed in primary attention.

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