
Synthetic aperture Ladar (SAL) is an extension of synthetic aperture technology in the optical frequency band. Owing to the short wavelength of lasers, the system has high-resolution, high-data-rate, and refined imaging capabilities, which has potential in high-resolution observation fields such as ground observation and space target observation. However, the short wavelength of lasers also makes SAL severely sensitive to vibrations even on the micron order which cause azimuth defocusing and range cell migration. To address this problem, we establish a de-chirp signal model under vibration environment, and propose a vibration error estimation and compensation method using triangular interferometric signals. According to the symmetrical characteristics of triangular frequency modulated continuous wave (T-FMCW) and the time-frequency information introduced by the azimuthal vibration phase, we use a two-stage interferometry method to estimate instantaneous frequency introduced by the vibration errors that cause range cell migration. For the scenarios without obvious range cell migration, we use a one-stage interferometry method to estimate the instantaneous frequency. Subsequently, we establish a vibration compensation filter using the estimated instantaneous frequency to compensate for the vibration errors. We use two experiments to verify the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method effectively eliminates range cell migration and azimuthal phase errors introduced by vibration errors, producing SAL imaging results with higher resolution than the conventional spectral correlation method.

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