
OZET Calismamizin amaci sagittal yonde meydana gelen is-keletsel degisimlerin kesici dislerin eksen egimlerine olan etkisini arastirmaktir. Bu amacla notral okluzyonlu bireyler ANB acisina gore uc gruba ayrilmis ve bu grupla arasindaki degisimler degerlendirilmistir. Yapilan degerlendirmeler sonucunda CLII grubunda hem alt keserlerin prot-ruzyonu hem ust keserlerin retruzyonu; CL III grubunda ise daha cok ust keserlerin protruzyonu belirlenmistir. Anahtar sozcukler: Keser kompansasyonu, keser konumu. ABSTRACT The Purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of sagittal skeletal changes on the inclination of incisors. For this reason, Individuals who had neutral occlusion were divided into three groups according to ANB angle and then the differences among the groups were evaluated. From results presented in this paperrr we concluded that retrusion of upper rand protrusion of lower incisors was evaluated in the group of Class If, on the other hand the group of Class III shoved protrusion mostly in upper incisors. Key words: Incisor compentation, incisor position.

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