
SSD is a classical single-stage object detection algorithm, which predicts by generating different scales of feature maps on different convolutional layers. However, due to the problems of its insufficient non-linearity and the lack of semantic information in the shallow feature maps, as well as the fact that small objects contain few pixels, the detection accuracy of small objects is significantly worse than that of large- and medium-scale objects. Considering the above problems, we propose a novel object detector, self-attention combined feature fusion-based SSD for small object detection (SAFF-SSD), to boost the precision of small object detection. In this work, a novel self-attention module called the Local Lighted Transformer block (2L-Transformer) is proposed and is coupled with EfficientNetV2-S as our backbone for improved feature extraction. CSP-PAN topology is adopted as the detection neck to equip feature maps with both low-level object detail features and high-level semantic features, improving the accuracy of object detection and having a clear, noticeable and definitive effect on the detection of small targets. Simultaneously, we substitute the normalized Wasserstein distance (NWD) for the commonly used Intersection over Union (IoU), which alleviates the problem wherein the extensions of IoU-based metrics are very sensitive to the positional deviation of the small objects. The experiments illustrate the promising performance of our detector on many datasets, such as Pascal VOC 2007, TGRS-HRRSD and AI-TOD.

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