
Our study aimed to evaluate the safety of CoronaVac, an inactivated vaccine made by Sinovac, in children aged 7–14. We conducted a parent-administered online survey to monitor adverse reactions after vaccinating children in Taizhou, China, from February 15, 2021, to January 19, 2022. 767 parents completed the survey after receiving a questionnaire via WeChat. Overall, 15.3 % (117/767) of children experienced adverse effects after the first dose, and 12.2 % (88/724) after the second. Muscle pain was the most common adverse reaction post-first dose (10.0 %), while localized pain or itching at the injection site was most common after the second dose (7.6 %). In conclusion, the vaccine has a low incidence of side effects. The mild to moderate, transient, and common nature of these effects further boosts parents' confidence in vaccinating their children.

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