
Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been developing a gas turbine high temperature reactor (GTHTR300) with electric power of approximately 300 MW. One of the unique safety design concepts of this system is that events with frequency of occurrence of higher than 10 −8/reactor-year are evaluated as design basis events in order to show that the frequency of large amount of FP release is less than 10 −8/reactor-year. According to this concept, a depressurization accident by a large break of helium piping is postulated as a design basis event. This accident is one of the most serious accidents in the high-temperature gas-cooled reactors from the viewpoint of loss of coolability. The safety evaluation on the accident was conducted based on the actual design of the system. The short-term and long-term behaviors of fuel temperature after occurrence of the accident, internal pressure of the reactor building, oxidation behavior of fuels and graphite structures were evaluated and exposure dose of general public was also estimated using the results of evaluation of fuel temperature and fuel failure by oxidation. All of the evaluation results meet the safety criteria and feasibility of the GTHTR300 was shown by this study.

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