
Background: Postpartum Haemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal mortality and morbidity in India with 38 % maternal deaths caused by it. Although most healthy women can cope well with blood loss after birth, some do not, and this can pose a serious risk to their health and even life. To reduce blood loss after birth, the routine administration of a drug to contract the uterus (uterotonic) has become standard practice across the world. We have developed numerous drugs which can be given prophylactically to prevent PPH and each of them have some advantages and disadvantages. The newest one is Carbetocin which is a long-acting synthetic oxytocin analogue with half-life of 40 minutes. Uterine contractions occur in less than 2 minutes after a single intravenous dose of 100microgram of Carbetocin. The present study was done to analyse safety, efcacy, and advantages of the Carbetocin, when administered to pregnant women at the time of caesarean delivery as a prophylaxis post-partum haemorrhage. Material and Methods: 200 pregnant women admitted for delivery at tertiary care hospital, who underwent caesarean section, both elective and emergency were included in the study. Inj Carbetocin, heat stable preparation ,100 mcg was diluted in 10 ml distilled water and given slow IV over 1 minute to all pregnant women at the time of caesarean section immediately after delivery of baby. Results: 84% of women had no atonic PPH and did not need any additional uterotonic drug for PPH. Remaining 16 % women who needed additional drugs for control of PPH had one or more risk factors responsible for PPH Conclusion: Single dose of 100 mcg IV Carbetocin is a safe and good drug for prophylactic use in pregnant women undergoing caesarean section for prevention of atonic PPH. Side effects are very less, advantages are many and overall results are promising.

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