
To evaluate the safety and efficacy of laparoscopic hepatic biopsy in dogs. Retrospective case series. 80 client-owned dogs. Medical records of dogs that underwent laparoscopic hepatic biopsy between 2004 and 2009 because of suspected hepatic disease were reviewed to obtain information on signalment, intraoperative and postoperative complications, and histologic diagnosis. Follow-up information was obtained through medical records and telephone conversations with owners. 76 of the 80 (95%) dogs survived to hospital discharge. Three (4%) dogs required conversion to laparotomy, but in none of the dogs was conversion to laparotomy needed to control hemorrhage associated with the laparoscopic biopsy procedure. Another 3 (4%) dogs required a blood transfusion; all 3 had been anemic prior to surgery. All laparoscopic biopsy samples were considered to be of sufficient size and to contain a sufficient number of portal triads to obtain a histologic diagnosis. However, disagreements in histologic diagnoses were identified for 7 of the 49 (14%) dogs for which multiple slides were available for review. Results suggested that laparoscopic hepatic biopsy is a safe procedure in dogs, with low morbidity and mortality rates, that typically yields sufficient samples for histologic examination. However, because of the possibility of disagreement among histologic diagnoses, multiple samples should be obtained.

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