
Following a request from the European Commission, EFSA was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of potassium diformate (Formi™ LHS) as a technological feed additive for piglets (weaned) and pigs for fattening. The FEEDAP Panel concluded that potassium diformate is safe for weaned piglets and for pigs for fattening at the level of 6,000 mg/kg complete feed, with no margin of safety. The use of potassium diformate in weaned piglets and pigs for fattening nutrition under the conditions of use proposed is of no concern for consumer safety. Potassium diformate does not raise concern regarding the effects on respiratory system and the skin but is an eye irritant. The use of potassium diformate as a feed additive is considered safe for the environment. The additive is considered to be efficacious as acidity regulator in feedingstuffs for weaned piglets and pigs for fattening at the minimum proposed concentration of 6,000 mg/kg complete feed.

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