
Physical human-robot interaction applications requiring safety and compliance characteristics usually employ mechanical devices such as series elastic actuators (SEAs). So far, impedance control schemes for SEAs have been investigated to overcome the limited displayable stiffness at the end point, represented by the stiffness of a physical spring, in a passive manner. SEAs usually mount two encoders on both the motor and load sides for position measurements. However, in several applications, the installation of a load-side encoder is not feasible from both cost and manufacturing perspectives. In this scenario, a Kalman Filter based on micro electro mechanical system accelerometers has been proposed for estimating the external force and load side quantities, without the need for load-side encoders. Herein, a novel impedance control scheme leveraging this approach is proposed to effectively overcome the stiffness of the physical spring while maintaining passivity at the end point. Compared with conventional load-side encoder-based impedance control schemes, the proposed control scheme presents comparable performance, as demonstrated by simulation and experimental results.

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