
<p>文以醫療機構環境與基礎建設各系統現場訪視,採系統追蹤方式,從受訪2家醫療院所環境風險管理與火災風險辨識著手,以消防安全設施設備管理;各樓棟防火區劃完整度檢視;避難逃生路徑規劃與逃生方向指引;醫用氣體使用安全;危險物質儲存、使用、洩漏管理;用電與各機房環境安全及緊急災害應變措施機制等面向,重點檢視受輔導醫療機構設施設備與環境安全現況及安全脆弱點,提供醫療機構管理階層,提升病人就醫環境整體安全之參考。</p> <p> </p><p>This paper describes a systematic tracking approach for conducting on-site inspections at two medical facilities and assessing their institutional environments and infrastructure. The assessment centers on the management of environmental and fire risks, including overseeing fire safety facilities and equipment. The comprehensiveness of the fire zoning of individual buildings and the planning of and guidance to evacuation routes are evaluated. Also assessed are the safe use of medical gases, the management (including storage, use, and leakage) of hazardous substances, electrical safety, environmental safety in rooms with heavy machinery, disaster response, and emergency management. The primary objective is to scrutinize the safety vulnerabilities of the facilities and to critically evaluate the general environmental conditions at the two medical institutions, providing management teams with insights to enhance the safety of the health-care environment.</p> <p> </p>

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