
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of mobile money services on access to trade credit by microenterprises in Kamukunji market, Nairobi City County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to assess whether digital payment-buy goods application (till number), saving and loan product (mshwari), mpesa for business application, pochi la biashara application have influence on access to trade credit by microenterprises in Kamukunji market. The study was guided by; Technology Acceptance theory, Unified Theory of Acceptance and use of technology, Diffusion innovation Theory and Technology, organization and Environment theory. The study employed a descriptive research approach and targeted 4,080 registered microenterprises in Kamukunji Market, Nairobi City County as per the City County Business Register of 2021. The sample size of the study was 351 microenterprises. A self-administered questionnaire was employed for the study's primary data. Data analysis was aided by SPSS using both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results were displayed through tables and charts. The findings demonstrated that, savings and loan service, digital payment service, mpesa for business and pochi la biashara jointly explained 82 percent of the variation in access to trade credit among businesses in Kamukunji market. The study also established positive and significant relationship between all the independent variables and access to trade credit among businesses in Kamukunji market. The study concludes that Safaricom Ltd mobile money services have significant effect on access to trade credit by microenterprises in Kamukunji market, Nairobi City County Kenya. The study thus recommends that businesses in Kamukunji County and other microenterprises in other counties should strive to embrace Safaricom Ltd mobile money services such as savings and loan service, digital payment, mpesa for business, pochi la biashara since they enhance access to trade credit for the businesses. There is need to do further studies in area related to cost of accessing trade credit under the fintech firms and huge data available for assessing creditworthiness of borrowers. Keywords: Mobile Money Services, Savings and loan, Digital payment, Mpesa for business, Pochi la biashara.

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