
Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto da saúde oral na qualidade de vida e depressão de idosos independentes. Método: Revisão sistemática da literatura delineada de acordo com a estratégia PECO com a pergunta: Idosos (População/Controle) que apresentam agravos bucais (Resultados) irão apresentar melhor/pior qualidade de vida e depressão (Exposição)? Resultados: Foram utilizadas as bibliotecas e bases de dados: Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, Lilacs e Cochrane Library, de forma abrangente e irrestrita ao ano ou idioma de publicação. Os MeSH termos usados para pesquisa foram: Elderly; Dental care for aged, Health services for the aged, Depression, Quality of life. Após a busca, 972 artigos foram identificados, dos quais 197 foram excluidos após remoção das duplicatas e 689 por não responderem a pergunta da pesquisa. Após a leitura dos resumos, 6 artigos foram lidos na íntegra e incluídos nessa revisão. Conclusão: As alterações bucais interferem na qualidade de vida e na depressão de idosos independentes.


  • Mesmo com todas essas modificações inerentes ao tempo, chegar a uma idade mais avançada tem sido algo comum nos dias atuais

  • Systematic review of the literature outlined according to the PECO strategy with the question: Elderly (Population / Control) who have oral problems (Outcome) will have better / worse quality of life and depression (Exposure)? Results: Libraries and databases were used: Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, Lilacs and Cochrane Library, in a comprehensive and unrestricted manner to the year or language of publication

  • The MeSH terms used for search were: Elderly; Dental care for aged, Health services for the aged, Depression, Quality of life

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Cochrane Library

Estratégia de busca ((((((((Quality of Life[MeSH Terms]) OR Quality of Life[Title/Abstract]) OR Life Quality[Title/Abstract]) OR Health-Related Quality Of Life[Title/Abstract]) OR Health Related Quality Of Life[Title/Abstract]) OR HRQOL[Title/Abstract])) AND (((((((((((Depression[MeSH Terms]) OR Depression[Title/Abstract]) OR Depressions[Title/Abstract]) OR Depressive Symptoms[Title/Abstract]) OR Depressive Symptom[Title/Abstract]) OR Symptom, Depressive[Title/Abstract]) OR Symptoms, Depressive[Title/Abstract]) OR Emotional Depression[Title/Abstract]) OR Depression, Emotional[Title/Abstract]) OR Depressions, Emotional[Title/Abstract]) OR Emotional Depressions[Title/Abstract])) AND ((((((((((((((Dental care for aged[MeSH Terms]) OR Dental care for aged[Title/Abstract]) OR Dentistry for Aged[Title/Abstract]) OR Aged, Dentistry for[Title/Abstract]) OR Dental Care for Elderly[Title/Abstract]) OR Health services for the aged[Title/Abstract]) OR Geriatric Health Services[Title/Abstract]) OR Health Services for the Elderly[Title/Abstract]) OR Health Services, Geriatric[Title/Abstract]) OR Geriatric Health Service[Title/Abstract]) OR Health Service, Geriatric[Title/Abstract]) OR Service, Geriatric Health[Title/Abstract]) OR Services, Geriatric Health[Title/Abstract]) OR Health Services for Aged[Title/Abstract]) (TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Quality of Life”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Life Quality”) OR TITLE-ABSKEY(“Health-Related Quality Of Life”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Health Related Quality Of Life”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(HRQOL)) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY(Depression) OR TITLE-ABSKEY(Depressions) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Depressive Symptoms”) OR TITLE-ABSKEY(“Depressive Symptom”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(Symptom, Depressive) OR TITLE-ABSKEY(Symptoms, Depressive) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Emotional Depression”) OR TITLEABS-KEY(Depression, Emotional) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(Depressions, Emotional) OR TITLEABS-KEY(“Emotional Depressions”)) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Dental care for aged”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Dental care for aged”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Dentistry for Aged”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(Aged, Dentistry for) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Dental Care for Elderly) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(Health services for the aged”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Geriatric Health Services”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Health Services for the Elderly”) OR TITLE-ABSKEY(Health Services, Geriatric) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Geriatric Health Service”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(Health Service, Geriatric) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(Service, Geriatric Health) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(Services, Geriatric Health) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Health Services for Aged”) (TS=(“Quality of Life”) OR TS=(“Life Quality”) OR TS=(“Health-Related Quality Of Life”) OR TS=(“Health Related Quality Of Life”) OR TS=(HRQOL)) AND (TS=(Depression) OR TS=(Depressions) OR TS=(“Depressive Symptoms”) OR TS=(“Depressive Symptom”) OR TS=(Symptom, Depressive) OR TS=(Symptoms, Depressive) OR TS=(“Emotional Depression”) OR TS=(Depression, Emotional) OR TS=(Depressions, Emotional) OR TS=(“Emotional Depressions”)) AND (TS=(“Dental care for aged”) OR TS=(“Dental care for aged”) OR TS=(“Dentistry for Aged”) OR TS=(Aged, Dentistry for) OR TS=(“Dental Care for Elderly) OR TS=(Health services for the aged”) OR TS=(“Geriatric Health Services”) OR TS=(“Health Services for the Elderly”) OR TS=(Health Services, Geriatric) OR TS=(“Geriatric Health Service”) OR TS=(Health Service, Geriatric) OR TS=(Service, Geriatric Health) OR TS=(Services, Geriatric Health) OR TS=(“Health Services for Aged”)) #1 Quality of life #2 Life Quality #3 Health-Related Quality Of Life #4 Health Related Quality Of Life #5 HRQOL #6 #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 #7 Depression #8 Depressions OR #9 Depressive Symptoms OR.

Critério de eleição
Avaliação da Qualidade Metodológica
GOHAI and sectional OIDP
No confounding or other distorting influences?
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