
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, who lived in the four major political periods is an important personage. He lived respectively in the period of Abdulhamit II, the Union and Progress, a single-party and multi-party of the Turkish Republic. He closly followed all changes of those period and he revealed his opinions and attitudes towards them. In addition, he didn’t ignore to evaluate the politicals subjects having been discussed throught the history of Islam. Said Nursi has explained the concept of political as both the top managers in the comminity and authority that gives orders to a lower level. He has widely discussed whether the politics is factually necessery or not, the rates of politics in religious matters, the relationship between religion and politics and the attitudes that a secular sistem must take towards religion. Also he discussed the issue of four caliphs being the most virtuous and the influence of the issue on opinion differences between Shia an ahl al-Sunnah sects.

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