
For several years, real time systems (RTS) have been continuously growing and complex. The time needed for their development is consequently very important and their accuracy is crucial for human and economic disaster prevention. In this vein, scheduling analysis and correction at the early stage of RTS application life cycle can effectively reduce potential scheduling faults (temporal faults). Thus, reduce the important cost, risk and effort of development. However, despite the diversity of scheduling analysis techniques, they can only detect the schedulability of an RTS without the proposal of possible correction, if the system is detected non-schedulable. Existing scheduling analysis techniques lack autonomy, so require other rigorous means (tools) to assist them in correction. It is then recommended to integrate into scheduling analysis techniques a method for correction to ensure autonomy and to save time and effort. In this paper we present a prototype of the SAC-tool (Scheduling analysis and correction tool) implementing a new method of scheduling analysis and correction dedicated for multiprocessor RTS. To illustrate and extend this method a static view via UML class diagram is presented in this paper. Two main steps are provided in SAC-tool, a configuration editing step and a scheduling analysis and correction step.

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