
Ukrainian literary marine studies are not exotic, but a traditional topic of artistic understanding of the world. The sea element has been sung in folk art and metaphorized in a confessional style from time immemorial. The sacred metaphorization of sea fishing in the context of the Christian faith can be traced in the baroque sermon of Joannicjusz Galatowski “The Key of Understanding”, in the Ukrainian translation of the Bible by Ivan Ohienko. High examples of the symbolic and allegorical interpretation of sea realities in folklore and the literary Old Ukrainian language connected with mythological consciousness are persistent in new and modern Ukrainian literature (in the works of L. Borovykovskyi, Ye. Hrebinka, T. Shevchenko, Chaika Dniprova, Lesya Ukrainka, H. Chuprynka, Yu. Yanovskyi, etc.). Therefore, the study of allegorical images filled with the symbolism of Divine power in Ukrainian artistic texts is an urgent task in modern linguistics. Attention to Ukrainian artistic marine studies is evidenced by numerous studies by linguists and literary scholars. The purpose of the proposed investigation was to single out the semantic components of the artistic representation of the sacralized realities of the marine element, to determine the integral metaphorical features of marine allegories. The sacral symbolic-allegorical interpretation of sea realities in Ukrainian artistic texts is presented in the images of a seagull waiting for a storm; treacherous “sea heart”-jellyfish; sea fog-delusion; a lonely boat in captivity of the sea elements; of a creature lost in a stormy sea; demonization of water; desert space, etc. The study authorized the conclusion that, the semantic components of the artistic representation of the sacralized realities of the sea element in the Ukrainian artistic discourse are as follows: ʻeternityʼ, ʻsearchʼ, ʻtrialʼ, ʻbiblical sinʼ, ʻfateʼ, ʻlongingʼ, ʻlonelinessʼ, ʻothernessʼ, ʻboundlessnessʼ, ʻall-absorbingnessʼ, ʻuncontrolled chaosʼ, ʻdestructive forceʼ, ʻangerʼ, ʻstruggleʼ. The analyzed material authorizes the inclusion of the following among the integral metaphorical features of marine allegories: sea-steppe, sea-desert, sea-delusion, sea-underwater kingdom, seasolitude, sea-chaos, sea-struggle, sea-mystery, sea-inspiration. The prospect for further exploration consists of a detailed analysis of the sacred content of each marinistic concept.

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