
The purpose of the article is to analyze the historical policy of the Russian Federation from the early 2000s to the present, in particular the sacralization of key issues of history based on the concept of Aleida and Jan Assmann. Research methodology. The study is based on the concept of A. and J. Assmann. Its application provides new opportunities for the researches of Russia's historical memory in a certain period, including the official narrative. In the course of the research, general scientific and specific historical methods, scientific criticism of sources, textual and hermeneutical analysis were used. Scientific novelty. The study analyzes the main changes in Russian legislation in 2014–2021 on historical memory, including a system of prohibitions, as well as other tools for sacralization of the official historical narrative. The possibility of applying A. Assman’s recommendations on the scientific and socio-political levels of discourse in the field of historical policy is determined. Conclusions. Russia's historical policy since the early 2000s has gone from preserving certain mechanisms for conducting independent historical research to gradually eliminating of these mechanisms and imposing the concept of the Russian Federation as the successor to the USSR and the Russian Empire. This was due to systemic restrictions and harassment on historical research, as well as in the field of education. As a result, there was an instrumentalization of history. Such a system is the foundation for the distortion and replacement of historical concepts and ideas. Historical memory in Russia is exclusively official in key issues for the Russian authorities. The non-admission of independent research to the formation of historical memory leads to a lack of self-criticism and legitimation of the crimes of the current Russian government.

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