
Poland one of the central European countries has a population of about 40 milion, 7,4% of whom aged 60 and over.The number of elderly in Poland is expected to rise dramatically to 16% by 2020. The health status of Poland’s middle aged and elderly population is not satisfactory; there is high mortality from cardiovascular diseases and malignancies. Poor health status results in higher consumption of health care especially by the elderly. For all mentally ill people there are about 2000 psychiatrists in university psychiatric clinic, psychiatrics departments and in ambulatory practice. A very small number of of psychiatrics(from general number 2000) are qualified in gerontopsychiatry in Poland. Among growing number of elderly patients are persons with dementia, incl. dementia Alzheimer’s type (about 250 000 patients). For their disposal are 4 psychogeriatry wards with small number of beds (average 15 for one ward). Memory clinic, aimed at elderly diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation for patients with dementia are planned. First centre of this kind(with programme of training in psychogeriatry) for Alzheimer patients was opened in 2007 yr in Scinawa, near Wroclaw (Lower Silesia Province). Important role in caring of dementia patients is playing by families and self-service organization of families. The first organization of this kind was founded in Lower Silesia in 1991 (Wroclaw) as The Lower Silesia Alzheimer Association Family Support.Dementia care in Poland as not satisfactory up to know, is currently under discussion and a new concept of caring will be prepared.

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