
Introduction: To quantitatively assess the degree of cranial bone resorption (CBR) following cranial bone remodeling in treating adolescent hypertelorism and Crouzon syndrome cases and to explore the risk factors associated with CBR. Methods: A total of 31 patients (17 with hypertelorism and 14 with Crouzon syndrome, mean age 10.6 years old, male: female ratio 22: 9) who undergone cranial bone remodeling accompany with box osteotomy (hypertelorism cases) or midfacial distraction (Crouzon cases) in our department between 2014 and 2018 were retrospectively reviewed. The degree of CBR was indicated as the resorption rate (RR): decrement of cranial bone (initial bone volume – last bone volume) / initial bone volume in the surgical site. Bone volume was measured with Mimics 18.0 software after 3D-CT reconstruction. The follow-up period of cranial bone remodeling was one year or longer. Results: Among the 31 patients, CBR occurred in 26 patients (83.9%) and the mean RR was 7.2%. In one severe case, the RR reached 35.9%. The Crouzon patients with distraction showed less cranial bone resorption than hypertelorism patients (P< 0.05).Furthermore, the younger patients showed more cranial bone regeneration than older ones which occured in both hyperterolism and Crouzon patients. Conclusion: The degree of CBR in adolescent patients following cranial bone remodeling was still acceptable and the RR could be decreased benifit from distraction osteogenesis and younger age.

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