
Study of exotic hadrons with configurations beyond the naive quark model has attracted a lot of interests in recent years. Due to their complicated configuration many theoretical models have been designed for describing their structure. Understanding the production mechanism of exotic hadrons could be helpful to find out their inner structure and to test the theory of QCD as well. It is well-known that the dominant production mechanism for conventional heavy hadrons with large transverse momentum is fragmentation so as this mechanism could also be extended to heavy pentaquarks production. This work is a first effort to study the direct fragmentation of heavy quarks into ground state heavy pentaquarks in leading order of perturbative QCD. Considering the picture of compact pentaquark states, through the Suzuki approach we will compute the fragmentation function of heavy quarks into S-wave heavy pentaquarks. The production cross section of heavy pentaquarks through pair annihilation will also be estimated at lowest order of perturbative QCD.

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