
We determine the bosonic part of the superstring sigma model Lagrangian on η-deformed AdS5 × S5, and use it to compute the perturbative world-sheet scattering matrix of bosonic particles of the model. We then compare it with the large string tension limit of the q-deformed S-matrix and find exact agreement.


  • Giving a string theory on a TsT-transformed background [4, 5]

  • The deformation parameter q can be an arbitrary complex number, but in physical applications is typically taken to be either real or a root of unity. Since these quantum group deformations modify the dispersion relation and the scattering matrix, to solve the corresponding model by means of the mirror Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz (TBA), for a recent review see [10], one has to go through the entire procedure of first deriving the TBA equations for the ground state and extending them to include excited states

  • The aim of the present work is to compute the 2 → 2 scattering matrix for the ηdeformed model in the limit of large string tension g and to compare the corresponding result with the known q-deformed S-matrix found from quantum group symmetries, unitarity and crossing [6, 8]

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Light-cone gauge and quartic Hamiltonian

To fix the light-cone gauge and compute the scattering matrix, it is advantageous to use the Hamiltonian formalism. The solution for the Hamiltonian is still given by eq (2.16) of the review [24], with the only difference that the components of the metric are deformed and that Hx has the B-field contribution. Where the shorthand notation pyy ≡ pyiyi, pzz ≡ pzizi was used After this is done the quartic Hamiltonian is (1 + κ2) (z2z 2 − y2y 2) + 2. To render invariance under su(2) subalgebras manifest, one can introduce two-index notation for the world-sheet fields. In terms of two-index fields the quartic Hamiltonian becomes H4 = H4G + H4W Z, where H4G is the contribution coming from the spacetime metric and H4W Z from the B-field. Note that we have used the Virasoro constraint C1 in order to express x− in terms of the two index fields.

Tree level bosonic S-matrix
Comparison with the q-deformed S-matrix
A The inverse operator and bosonic Lagrangian
C Expansion of the q-deformed Gamma-function
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