
Type IIB S-folds of the form AdS4 × S1 × S5 are conjectured to correspond to new strongly coupled three-dimensional CFT’s on a localised interface of SYM4. In this work we construct holographic RG flows on the D3-brane that generically connect anisotropic deformations of SYM4 in the UV to various S-fold CFT’s in the IR with different amounts of supersymmetry and flavour symmetries. Examples of holographic RG flows between S-fold CFT’s are also presented. Lastly a geometric interpretation of axion deformations is provided in terms of monodromies on the internal S5 when moving around the S1. Special attention is paid to the monodromy-induced patterns of symmetry breaking as classified by the mapping torus Th(S5).


  • First we focus on the issue of anisotropy when the UV regime of the flows is controlled by the deformed D3-brane at c = 0, and discuss global vs. local geometric aspects of the type IIB backgrounds when the axions χ’s are activated, as well as the implications they have for symmetry breaking

  • We present an example of CFT3 to CFT3 holographic RG flow that connects the J-fold CFT3 with N = 1 & SU(3) symmetry in the UV to the J-fold CFT3 with N = 2 & SU(2) symmetry in the IR

  • In this work we have investigated various aspects of type IIB S-fold backgrounds by using the [ SO(1, 1) × SO(6) ] R12 gauged maximal supergravity as a four-dimensional effective description thereof and the E7(7)-ExFT as a tool to uplift four-dimensional solutions of said supergravity to ten dimensions

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Motivation and outlook

Electromagnetic duality has and continues to provide plenty of intriguing phenomena both in supergravity and quantum field theory. These vacua of the [SO(1, 1)×SO(6)] R12 maximal supergravity have been uplifted to S-fold backgrounds of type IIB supergravity on AdS4 × S1×S5 that involve non-trivial SL(2, Z)IIB monodromies along S1 in the hyperbolic class [21, 36, 37] — commonly denoted by J ∈ SL(2, Z)IIB — and the corresponding CFT3 duals have been referred to as J-fold CFT3’s in the literature [39] These J-fold CFT3’s and their gravity duals have been investigated using a five-dimensional gauged supergravity approach within the context of holographic interfaces in N = 4 SYM4 [40,41,42], and arise as limiting cases of Janus solutions. Some technicalities regarding group theoretical aspects of the four-dimensional supergravity model and its potential oxidation to five dimensions are collected in the appendix

Four dimensions
Supergravity model and flow equations
AdS4 vacua: modes and dimensions of dual operators
Non-AdS4 solutions and the D3-brane
Holographic RG flows
CFT3 to CFT3
Ten dimensions
Uplifting the IR
Uplifting the UV
Deformed D3-brane and anisotropic SYM4
Axions and symmetry breaking
Full Text
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