
Hetero-tetrameric soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) complexes are critical for vesicle-target membrane fusion within the endomembrane system of eukaryotic cells. SNARE assembly involves four different SNARE motifs, Qa, Qb, Qc, and R, provided by three or four SNARE proteins. YKT6 is an atypical R-SNARE that lacks a transmembrane domain and is involved in multiple vesicle-target membrane fusions. Although YKT6 is evolutionarily conserved and essential, its function and regulation in different phyla seem distinct. Arabidopsis YKT61, the yeast and metazoan YKT6 homologue, is essential for gametophytic development, plays a critical role in sporophytic cells, and mediates multiple vesicle-target membrane fusion. However, its molecular regulation is unclear. We report here that YKT61 is S-acylated. Abolishing its S-acylation by a C195S mutation dissociates YKT61 from endomembrane structures and causes its functional loss. Although interacting with various SNARE proteins, YKT61 functions not as a canonical R-SNARE but coordinates with other R-SNAREs to participate in the formation of SNARE complexes. Phylum-specific molecular regulation of YKT6 may be evolved to allow more efficient SNARE assembly in different eukaryotic cells.

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