
Previous papers have reported that cardiovascular events increase over the following months after earthquake. One of the reasons for the increase in events has been considered the activation of the sympathetic nervous system due to stress, dehydration and decreased activity. In addition, the increased intake of canned foods with high salt due to prolonged shelter living may lead to the development and exacerbation of hypertension, i.e., disaster hypertension. We reported that the estimated salt intake of the victims was related to their blood pressure (BP) levels, and aging, obesity, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease may be aggravating factors (Hoshide et al. Hypertension 2019; 74: 564–571). After the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, we have been providing support to the affected areas. As a part of this effort, we introduced an information technology-based home BP monitoring approach (the web-based Disaster Cardiovascular Prevention: DCAP) for the purpose of BP control for victims in evacuation centers (Kario et al. Lancet 2011; 378: 1125–7). This system and was able to promptly identify danger signals of elevated BP and reflect them in treatment. This system is still in use today, the BP of the victims is well controlled (Nishizawa et al. J Clin Hypertens 2017; 19: 26–29).

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