
One of the elements of the right to a fair trial is the right of the individual to a reliable justification of the decision in the case, derived from the right to the appropriate shap- ing of the court procedure. The aim of the article is to show that this is a key element in cases where the court adjudicates the rights and freedoms of an individual, setting their limits. In the judgment of March 9, 2023, in the case of Cupial against Poland, the Euro- pean Court of Human Rights emphasized the special role of a reliable justification of the judgment. The author considers this requirement as one of the fundamental guarantees of respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, which in the context of the dis- cussed case is the freedom of conscience and religion, and the right to ensure children a religious upbringing in accordance with parents convictions. The analysis of the indi- cated issue was made on the basis of the dogmatic-legal method.

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