
In this book Dr. Kauzya highlights how, from the ashes of the 1994 genocide, governance, Public Administration and Leadership of the country was reconstructed and transformed into an effective instrument of State direction and action for people-centered development. In order to effectively address the challenges that were specific to Rwanda at the time and in the future, an effective, responsive and accountable public service was progressively designed and put in place after 1994. The institutional, decentralized and coordinated structural arrangement that was designed and implemented ensure that the public of Rwanda effectively participated in the governance and administration of the country. Most importantly the history and traditional practices of the people of the country were examined and some of its practices redesigned to modernize public administration through home-grown, people-centered practices that the local people could easily relate to, own and operate. Scholars of Public administration in post-conflict countries could borrow from the experience of Rwanda captured in the book especially in terms of strong central government leadership, bringing the public back into public administration, and coordinating the central and local in the delivery of public services in a poor country. Before the Rwandan Public administration scholars and practitioners forget where the current system they are operating came from, they will benefit from the book. Many books about Rwanda after 1994 have focused on the conflict, war and genocide of 1994. Dr. Kauzya’s book focuses uniquely on how public governance administration, and leadership were rebuilt and transformed to make Rwanda one of Africa’s effective states today. The thread that runs throughout is the spirit and ideology of self-reliance which has formed the bedrock of the country’s governance and socio-politico-economic development efforts since 1994.

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